Sunday, June 17, 2012

Update on Babies

The past couple of weeks have been quite a roller coaster ride.  It all started in my 29th week when I had a routine doctor's appointment and they told me I was dilated 2cm already. That was my first trip to the hospital.  I was having contractions even though I felt nothing.  They got the contractions under control so after a couple of days I was allowed to go home on bed rest.  I wasn't home for long though.  I went for a non-stress test when I was 31 weeks. They hooked me up to the monitor and guess what they saw? Contractions. So I was admitted into the hospital once again.  Once everything was under control I was sent home with medications to stop the contractions from coming back.  On the 13th (Wednesday)  I went to my regular doctors appointment and when the doctor checked me I was dilated 3-4 cm.  So off to the hospital I went.  I wasn't having that many contractions but the doctor said I would be on bed rest in the hospital until the babies come.  I was doing great. No pain. No contractions.

Until early Friday morning.  My nurse came in at about 2am and asked me if I was feeling any of the contractions that I was having. I wasn't at that point.  Within the hour I started to feel the contractions so they gave me a bolus of fluids to see if that would help.  It didn't and that is when my doctor told me to start making some phone calls. We didnt' have many options at that point. Either the contractions would stop, my water would break or I would dilated more.  If you dilate to 5cm they consider you to be in labor.  When the doctor came in to check me later I was a good 4cm dilated, almost 5cm. So the decision was made. C-section time!

At 6:02am Shane Edward Stroup was born weighing 5lbs 15 oz.  Joy Lynn Stroup came shortly after at 6:03am weighing 4lbs 12 oz.  Shane was having some trouble breathing so he went on oxygen but that only lasted an hour or so.  Since then they have been doing great.

As of right now, no oxygen is needed and they only require minimal heat support..  Joy pulled out her IV catheter last night but since she has been tolerating her feedings so well they did not replace it. She is currently being tube feed.  She seems interested in the bottle and will take a couple of sucks but then usually falls asleep.  Shane has had his last 2 feeding via the bottle and is doing great!  I will be discharged on Tuesday and hopefully at least one of them will come home with me.  It's a waiting game now.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. Praise God for He is Faithful and He is good.  God has blessed us with 2 healthy babies!

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